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Cameron Harvey
Hi there!
I’m taking on the Tour de Brisbane to raise funds for The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation, supporting life-changing organ transplantation research.
Organ transplantation is nothing short of a medical miracle—it offers people a second chance at life. But there’s still so much work to be done. Research is the key to:
Increasing the number of viable organs available for transplant.
Reducing rejection rates.
Minimising post-transplant complications.
Your donation will directly help people whose only hope is a transplant, giving them the chance to overcome serious health challenges and live full, meaningful lives.
Thank you for supporting my efforts with a donation!
The Common Good (The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation)
The Common Good is an initiative of The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation. It’s a movement of all of us working together to give precious time to researchers who can give more time to us & those we love to live happier, healthier and longer lives. The Common Good is people powering medical discoveries.
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