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Oscar Hargarve

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Oscar Hargarve


Gday everyone!

My name is Oscar and I'm a 20 y/o bloke from Brisbane, born and raised MATE! To be quite honest, signing up for the Tour De Brisbane was a decision made on the spot with little reason other than 'this has to be good fitness for me!'. My boss was not aware, I haven't touched a bike in years (Sorry Matt). 

After signing up for the Tour De Brisbane event I realized that the last time I rode a bike, I was probably somewhere around 9-12 years old, meaning my bike is quite small, also meaning I'm not particularly keen on kneeing my forehead every time I go to peddle the bike. I decided that the most convenient fix for this issue was just to steal my beloved mothers bike and get it all nice and oiled and clean for the ride so I can practice my long distance cycling and prepare. upon inspection of the bike, i found that there was a considerable volume of rust on the surface of the frame where the paint was chipped and dented etc, so what does any good handyman do when he  has a tight deadline and much training needed? repaint his mums bike. Currently, the bike is in pieces and I'm not too sure how to put it back together, but it has a LOVELY new coat of white paint on the frame! (I'm still yet to paint the fork)

Throughout my life I've never really been a fitness nut, I do my best to keep in shape and hit the gym while also juggling what life throws at me with studying and working, plus like everyone else I have hobbies and a (somehow) a relationship to balance as well and yada yada you get it. life gets BUSY! 

During the process of biting off more than I can chew with painting the bike and trying to work on my cardio, if I learn nothing from the actual cycling part of the event, that's ok. the amount of quality time I've been forced to spent in the back yard with my puppy Ellie, just sanding a bike frame and listening to the birds and some tunes on my tinny little speaker has been some of the most enjoyable time I have spent with myself these past few months. Without the Tour De Brisbane forcing me to go outside and pour my time, attention, effort and love into something that I otherwise wouldn't be compelled to do on my own accord, I wouldn't have known what I was missing out on.

so in the end, If i don't raise some huge volume of money for research and transplants, I have already adored this process, plus, any funds that I do raise, are going towards a cause that I personally believe can and will change/better lives, so I thank you so very much for helping provide someone with a reason to keep keepin' on.

Lots of love,


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The Common Good (The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation)

The Common Good is an initiative of The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation. It’s a movement of all of us working together to give precious time to researchers who can give more time to us & those we love to live happier, healthier and longer lives. The Common Good is people powering medical discoveries.

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